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Mindfulness/Conscious Living

How can I get more joy and serenity in everyday life?

By March 7th, 2023No Comments
While living in an increasingly unpredictable world where we will reach a dead end if we do not change, I would like to share some thoughts with you here on how to live a joyful and serene life under these conditions.
In our consumer society where “always more” is normal, where we function in autopilot mode most of the time, running or getting bogged down between a thousand goals and tasks (except maybe during lockdown), I suggest you press the Pause button. Bring more awareness into our decisions and actions. Reconnect with yourself.

Live more consciously

Take a moment to breathe consciously: inhale, exhale. What is more alive than the breath and beat of our heart?
What does it actually mean to “live or be more conscious”? It means taking distance from your own thoughts, observing your feelings and actions, no longer thinking that it is always the others’ fault….but rather asking yourself questions like: “Aha, what am I judging right now?”. “Why do I feel anger and resentment when this person says this or that?” “What is the need behind it?”

Connecting with yourself

Reconnecting with yourself means connecting with your inner world. Every person has her/his own inner world: her /his own collection of experiences, beliefs, dreams, desires, less glamorous sides, talents, values….

How can I connect with myself? For example, writing a few sentences in a diary or journaling. And that every day. For example, schedule mini-breaks during the day to connect with your own feelings. Go for a walk. In these moments, when we are alone with ourselves, we can gain distance from our everyday life and our “autopilot” mode (95% of our actions take place in automatic mode and are controlled by our subconscious). This allows us to make decisions that are right for us. You can also introduce one or two practices into your daily life to spend time with yourself: Sports, yoga, listening to music, playing a musical instrument, dancing, singing, whatever is good for you and brings you joy.

Focus on the essentials.

Another way to bring more awareness into your life is to focus on what is important to you and ask yourself the questions that will lead you there. I invite you to ask yourself the following question: “I can die tomorrow. Why do I want to continue living?” The question of the meaning of life seems to me to be of the greatest importance nowadays. When you ask yourself such questions, you connect with a part of yourself that is alive and creative. And is joyful. Joy is the manifestation of an increase in your life force.

More joy and serenity

By living in harmony with your values, revealing your talents and cultivating peaceful relationships with yourself and your environment, you will find more serenity and joy in your life.
Do you want more joy and serenity in your life?
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