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What do I need to take my place in the world ?

By May 18th, 2023No Comments

What do I need to take my place in the world ?

Moving away from the spirit of competition to the uniqueness of each individual.

We may feel that there is no room for each of us to offer our talents and most cherished desires to the world. This is where the old competition/comparison thinking holds us back: “this idea already exists”, “it’s not so bad if I don’t do it”, “my opinion is not so important, there are other opinions much more interesting than mine”, “who will be interested in this idea?”.

We just have a hard time being where we really want to be :


– To commit ourselves in a sustainable way to projects that are important to us

– Daring to express our ideas and opinions without fear of being judged or criticised

– Accepting that we have unique gifts, faculties within us that are only waiting to be revealed

I will share with you some of the keys to this topic and facilitate a group exercise so that you can leave with new answers to your questions. Answers that make sense to you.

I want it to be fun and, most importantly, I want it to give you more clarity for a life. More in tune with who you truly are.


Price: 25 EUR

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